标签:English Cafe 相关文章
Topics: How to tip in the U.S., famous American museums, pronouncing a, comfortable vs. convenient, I used to vs. I use to, of course Words: direct flight to tip host/hostess waiter/waitress bellboy coat check maid concierge usher permanent collectio
Topics: US advertising in other countries; Habitat for Humanity; bad-tempered vs. short-tempered; no pun intended; to be raining cats and dogs Words: advertising campaign ill-mannered overseas markets hip nerdy direct comparison to brag to backfire h
Topics: Google Book Search, Clint Eastwood, village vs. neighborhood, to retrieve vs. to recover, cooking vs. cuisine Words: search engine ambitious to scan beta public domain copyright to infringe to err on the side of caution snippets bankable to c
Topics: Ask an American - Working quote vs. offer, Somethings Gotta Give Words: role global market FDA clinical research to negotiate obstacles patients jargon multiple geography quote offer gotta to give
Topics: American houses, what Americans think they need, using the before a countrys name, either vs. neither Words: natural disaster tornado brick cement foundation frame basement to crawl to come out to be unable to live without microwave oven just
Topics: Philadelphia, jury duty, canary in a coal mine, rule of thumb Words: jury pool hardship to be excused impartial to get out of verdict trial cheesesteak diverse liberty canary coal mine rule of thumb
Topics: Famous Americans: Frank Gehry, Memorial Day, odd one out, as good as it gets. film versus movie Words: architect iconic blueprints model (of a building) to observe (a holiday) to commemorate military service cemetery grave picnic race track l
Topics: Yellowstone National Park, summer jobs for teenagers, Ill be in later versus Ill be in late, loudly versus aloud versus loud, pronouncing lounge, lunch, and launch Words: geyser faithful hot springs volcano lava pocket money to flip burgers t
Topics: the Pledge of Allegiance, tomato as fruit versus vegetable, to be raised versus to grow up, buy versus purchase, to take the bull by the horns, can versus may versus could when asking for permission Words: pledge allegiance unison to stand fo
Topics: Ask an American: Getting into an MBA program to spell out something, about to break, breakdown, conscience versus conscious Words: any number of marketing accounting undergrad/undergraduate to be admitted GMAT TOEFL to be right out of to set
Topics: Traveling in the U.S., gimmick versus trick, to call em like you see em, spite versus respite, in demand versus on demand Words: the open road spats KOA hitch GPS pop-up AAA bicentennial gimmick trick to call em like you see em in demand on d
Topics: Studying abroad in college, Americans and gun control, come and eat vs. come to eat, in spite of vs. despite Words: abroad junior year to count humanitarian to have a long way to go firearms amendment to bear (arms) to conceal to carry fronti
Topics: Ask an American: Raising children one of those, reply versus answer, customer versus purchaser Words: to be in competition stressed out to get (someone) into (something) to pause to build self-esteem competent capable its all about the (somet
Topics: American cities: Nashville, Grand Ole Opry; school fund-raisers, to hold on to your hat, to be put inside, a blow-by-blow account Words: Hall of Fame to be inducted into dialect fund-raiser funds raffle to grow weary to do away with to get ri
Topics: Why Americans dont use the metric system, how to dress in Los Angeles versus New York, yutz, to go back to square one, what to call your cousins son, Im done with you Words: signatory to establish commission competitive dress code to crack th
Topics: Cities: Tucson, Arizona (Interview with Dr. Lucy Tse) Harpers Index, to get a kick out of (something), to commute, to not stand for (something), Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise Words: landmark border canyon
Topics: Famous Americans: Yo Yo Ma; Popular books in the U.S., pronouncing contractions, to figure out versus it figures, there will be no versus there will not be, if you will Words: self-deprivation hip label sacrifice ethically to rubberneck to ta
Topics: Comic-Con; Famous Americans: Houdini; I just versus I have just; suit versus match versus fit; levity Words: convention comic book animation autograph fan magician escape artist handcuffs to debunk supernatural medium sance to suit to match t
Topics: Famous Americans - Sandra Day O'Connor; understanding American football; the meanings of to draw; out for lunch versus out to lunch; for crying out loud Words: attorney general appointed court of appeals justice swing vote abortion successor
Topics: Ask an American Undocumented students and college tuition; stop thinking negatively; very; smoking hot Words: tough deserving to play by the rules in-state law-breaking fundamentally unfair incentive tuition to get a return on (ones) investme